API Documentation

For the rest of the documentation we assume that you imported the module as following.

>>> import johnnycanencrypt as jce
class KeyStore(path: str) → None:

Returns a KeyStore object. This is the primary class of the module, and all high level usage is available via methods of this class. It takes a path to the directory where it stores/reads the keys. Please make sure that only the user has read/write capability to this path.

The keys are represented inside the directory in the jce.db sqlite3 database. Every time there is any change in the DB schema, we automatically create a temporary database called jce_upgrade.db in the same path, and then reimport all the keys, and rename the file and continue with the steps. This is one time operation when we do a new release.

You can check for existance of any fingerprint (str) or Key object in the via in opertor.

>>> ks = jce.KeyStore("/var/lib/myamazingapp")
add_userid(key: Key, userid: str, password: str) → Key:

Returns the updated key with a new userid. If you need to upload the key to the https://keys.openpgp.org, then remember to have to an email address in the user id.

certify_key(key: Union[Key, str], otherkey: Union[Key, str], uids: List[str], sig_type: SignatureType = SignatureType.GenericCertification, password: str = "", oncard=False) → Key:

This method signs the given list of userid(s) in otherkey using the primary key of the key, by default it signs as SignatureType.GenericCertification, but you can do other types too. If the primary key is on a smartcard, then pass oncard=True, default value is False.

create_key(password: str, uids: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = [], ciphersuite: Cipher = Cipher.RSA4k, creation: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, expiration: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, subkeys_expiration= False, whichkeys = 7, can_primary_sign: bool = False, can_primary_expire=False) → Key:

Returns the public part of the newly created Key in the store directory. You can mention ciphersuite Cipher as Cipher.RSA2k or Cipher.RSA4k, or Cipher.Cv25519, while Cipher.RSA4k is the default. You can also provide datetime.datetime objects for creation time and expiration time. By default it will use the current time as creation time, and keys don’t expire. You can provide a string for uid, or multiple strings using a List for multiple uids. It can also create a key without any uids.

If you want the primary key to have signing capability, then pass can_primary_sign=True.

You can pass whichkeys = 1 to generate only the encryption subkey, 2 for signing, 4 for authentication. By default it will create all three subkeys (7).

>>> ks = jce.KeyStore("/var/lib/myamazingapp")
>>> newkey = ks.create_key("supersecretpassphrasefromdiceware", "test key1 <email@example.com>", jce.KeyType.RSA4k)
encrypt(keys, data, outputfile="", armor=True) → bytes:

Encrypts the given data (either as str or bytes) via the list of keys or fingerprints. You can also just pass one single key or fingerprint. If you provide outputfile argument with a path, the encrypted output will be written to that path. By default the encrypted output is armored, but by passing armor=False you can get raw bytes returned.

>>> ks = jce.KeyStore("tests/files/store")
>>> key1 = ks.get_key("6AC6957E2589CB8B5221F6508ADA07F0A0F7BA99")
>>> key2 = ks.get_key("BB2D3F20233286371C3123D5209940B9669ED621")
>>> encrypted = ks.encrypt([key1, key2], "Encrypted this string")
>>> assert encrypted.startswith(b"-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\n")
encrypt_file(keys, inputfilepath: Union[str,bytes,BinaryIO], outputfilepath: Union[str, bytes], armor=True) → bool:

Returns True after encrypting the given inputfilepath to the outputfilepath. The inputfilepath could be str, or bytes, or a opened file handler for bytes.

>>> ks = jce.KeyStore("tests/files/store")
>>> key1 = ks.get_key("6AC6957E2589CB8B5221F6508ADA07F0A0F7BA99")
>>> key2 = ks.get_key("BB2D3F20233286371C3123D5209940B9669ED621")
>>> assert ks.encrypt_file([key1, key2], "/tmp/data.txt", "/tmp/data.txt.asc")
decrypt(key, data, password="") → bytes:

Returns the decrypted bytes from the given data and the secret key. You can either pass fingerprint or a secret Key object as the key argument.

>>> plain_bytes = ks.decrypt(secret_key2, encrypted_bytes, password=password)
decrypt_file(key, encrypted_path: Union[str,bytes,BinaryIO], outputfile, password=""):

Decryptes the given encrypted_path and wrties the output to the outputfile path (both given as str or bytes). In the encrypted_path can be an opened file handler to read binary data.

>>> ks.decrypt_file(secret_key1, "/tmp/data.txt.asc", "/tmp/plain.txt", password=password)
>>> with open("/tmp/hello.gpg", "rb") as fobj:
...     ks.decrypt_file(secret_key1, fobj, "/tmp/plain.txt", password=password)
delete_key(key: Union[str, Key]) → None:

Deletes the key based on the fingerprint or the Key object from the KeyStore.

>>> ks.delete_key("BB2D3F20233286371C3123D5209940B9669ED621")


Raises KeyNotFoundError if the key is not available in the KeyStore.

details() → Tuple[int, int]:

Returns a tuple containing the total number of public and secret keys available in the KeyStore.

fetch_key_by_email(email: str) → Key:

Searches and retrives a key at https://keys.openpgp.org based on the given email address. Current limit is 1 email address can be searched only once per minute. The key is also stored in the local keystore. Raises KeyNotFoundError if the key is not found.

fetch_key_by_fingerprint(fingerprint: str) → Key:

Searches and retrives a key at https://keys.openpgp.org based on the given fingerprint, one can search 6 times per minute. Raises KeyNotFoundError if the key is not found.

get_all_keys() → List[Key]:

Returns a list of all the keys in the KeyStore.

get_key(fingerprint: str = "") → Key:

Returns a key from the keystore based on the fingerprint. Raises KeyNotFoundError if no such key available in the keystore.

get_keys(qvalue="", qtype="email") → List[Key]:

Returns a list of keys based on either email or name or value of the UIDs or URIs in the key (searchs on one of the terms first come basis). qtype can be one of the email, value, name, uri.

>>> keys_via_names = ks.get_keys(qvalue="test key", qtype="value")
>>> keys_via_email = ks.get_keys(qvalue="email@example.com")
get_keys_by_keyid(keyid: str) → List[Key]:

Returns a list of keys matching with the keyids, first directly checks the master keys and then subkeys. Raises KeyNotFoundError in case no such keyid is found on the store.

import_key(keypath: str) → Key:

Imports a pgp key file from a path on the system. The method returns the newly import Key object to the caller.

>>> key = ks.import_key("tests/files/store/public.asc")
>>> print(key)
revoke_userid(key: Key, userid: str, pass: str) → Key:

Revokes the given user id from the given secret key and returns the updated key.

update_expiry_in_subkeys(key: Key, subkeys: List[str], expiration: datetime, password: str) → Key:

Updates the expiry time for the given subkeys (as a list of fingerprints) for the given secret key.

sign_detached(key, data, password) → str:

Signs the given data (can be either str or bytes) using the secret key. Returns the armored signature string.

sign_file_detached(key, filepath, password, write=False) → str:

Returns the armored signature of the filepath argument using the secret key (either fingerprint or secret Key object). If you pass write=True, it will also write the armored signature to a file named as filepath.asc

verify(key, data: Union[str, bytes], signature:Optional[str]) → bool:

Verifies the given data using the public key, and signature string if given, returns True or False as result.

verify_file_detached(key: Union[str, Key], filepath: Union[str, bytes], signature_path) → bool:

Verifies the given filepath using the public key, and signature string, returns True or False as result.

verify_file(key, filepath) → bool:

Verifies the given signed filepath using the public key, returns True or False as result.

verify_and_extract_bytes(key: Union[str, Key], data: Union[str, bytes]) → bytes:

Verifies the given signed data using the public key, returns the actual data as bytes.

verify_and_extract_file(self, key: Union[str, Key], filepath: Union[str, bytes], output: Union[str, bytes]) → bool::

Verifies the given signed filepath and writes the actual data in output.

class Cipher → Cipher:

This is the enum class to metion the type of ciphersuite to be used while creating a new key. Possible values are Cipher.RSA4k, Cipher.RSA2k, Cipher.Cv25519.

class Key(keyvalue: bytes, fingerprint: str, uids: Dict[str, str] = {}, keytype: KeyType=KeyType.PUBLIC, expirationtime=None, creationtime=None, othervalues={}, oncard: str = "", can_primary_sign: bool = False, primary_on_card: str = "") → Key:

Returns a Key object and fingerprint. The keytype enum KeyType.

You can compare two key object with == operator.

For most of the use cases you don’t have to create one manually, but you can retrive one from the KeyStore.


keyvalue holds the actual key as bytes.


The string representation of the fingerprint


A dictionary holding all uids from the key, also stores related certification of the given uids.


The datetime.datetime object mentioning when the key was created.


The datetime.datetime object mentioning when the key will expire or None otherwise.

get_pub_key() → str:

Returns the armored version of the public key as string.


The keyid of the master key


A string containing the smartcard ID, this will be populated only after sync_smartcard call in the KeyStore.


A string containing the smartcard ID if the card contains any of the subkeys, this will be populated only after sync_smartcard call in the KeyStore.


A dictionary containing subkeys’s keyids and fingerprints.


A boolean value telling if the primary key has signing capability or not.

available_subkeys() → Tuple[bool, bool, bool]:

Returns a tuple with 3 boolean values as (got_enc, got_sign, got_auth) to tell us which all subkeys are available. The subkeys will not be expired keys (based on the date of the system) and also not revoked.

class KeyType → KeyType:

Enum class to mark if a key is public or private. Possible values are KeyType.PUBLIC and KeyType.SECRET.

class SignatureType → SignatureType:

Enum class to mark the kind of certification one can do on another key. Possible values are SignatureType.GenericCertification, SignatureType.PersonaCertification, SignatureType.CasualCertification, SignatureType.PositiveCertification.

get_card_touch_policies() → List[TouchMode]

Returns a list of Enum values from TouchMode. To be used to determine the touch capabilities of the smartcard. Remember to verify this list before calling set_keyslot_touch_policy().