The internal johnnycanencrypt module written in Rust

You can access the low level functions or Johnny class by the following way:

>>> from johnnycanencrypt import johnnycanencrypt as jce

In most cases you don’t have to use these, but if you have a reason, feel free to use them.

encrypt_bytes_to_file(publickeys, data, output, armor=False)

This function takes a list of public key file paths, and encrypts the given data in bytes to an output file. You can also pass boolen flag armor for armored output in the file.

>>> jce.encrypt_bytes_to_file(["tests/files/public.asc", "tests/files/hellopublic.asc"], b"Hello clear text", b"/tmp/encrypted_text.asc", armor=True)


Use this function if you have to encrypt for multiple recipents.

get_ssh_pubkey(certdata, comment: Optional[str]) → str:

This function takes a public key and optional comment and then provides a string representing the authentication subkey to be used inside of SSH.

enable_otp_usb() → bool

This function enables OTP application in the Yubikey.

disable_otp_usb() → bool

This function disables OTP application in the Yubikey.

get_key_cipher_details(certdata: bytes) → List[tuple[str, str, int]]

This function takes the key data as bytes, and returns a list of tuples containing (fingerprint, public key algorithm, bits size).

>>> rjce.get_key_cipher_details(key.keyvalue)
[('F4F388BBB194925AE301F844C52B42177857DD79', 'EdDSA', 256), ('102EBD23BD5D2D340FBBDE0ADFD1C55926648D2F', 'EdDSA', 256), ('85B67F139D835FA56BA703DB5A7A1560D46ED4F6', 'ECDH', 256)]
class Johnny(filepath)

It creates an object of type Johnny, you can provide path to the either public key, or the private key based on the operation you want to do.

encrypt_bytes(data: bytes, armor=False)

This method encrypts the given bytes and returns the encrypted bytes. If you pass armor=True to the method, then the returned value will be ascii armored bytes.

>>> j = jce.Johnny("tests/files/public.asc")
>>> enc = j.encrypt_bytes(b"mysecret", armor=True)
encrypt_file(inputfile: bytes, output: bytes, armor=False)

This method encrypts the given inputfile and writes the raw encrypted bytes to the output path. If you pass armor=True to the method, then the output file will be written as ascii armored.

>>> j = jce.Johnny("tests/files/public.asc")
>>> enc = j.encrypt_file(b"blueleaks.tar.gz", b"notblueleaks.tar.gz.pgp", armor=True)
decrypt_bytes(data: bytes, password: str)

Decrypts the given bytes based on the secret key and given password. If you try to decrypt while just using the public key, then it will raise AttributeError.

>>> jp = jce.Johnny("tests/files/secret.asc")
>>> result = jp.decrypt_bytes(enc, "redhat")
decrypt_file(inputfile: bytes, output: bytes, password: str)

Decrypts the inputfile path (in bytes) and wrties the decrypted data to the output file. Both the filepaths to be given as bytes.

>>> jp = jce.Johnny("tests/files/secret.asc")
>>> result = jp.decrypt_file(b"notblueleaks.tar.gz.pgp", "blueleaks.tar.gz", "redhat")
sign_bytes_detached(data: bytes, pasword: str)

Signs the given bytes and returns the detached ascii armored signature as bytes.

>>> j = jce.Johnny("tests/files/secret.asc")
>>> signature = j.sign_bytes_detached(b"mysecret", "redhat")


Remember to save the signature somewhere on disk.

verify_bytes(data: bytes)

Verifies if the signature is correct for the given signed data (as bytes). Returns True or False.

>>> j = jce.Johnny("tests/files/public.asc")
>>> j.verify_bytes(encrypted_bytes)
verify_and_extract_bytes(data: bytes)

Verifies if the signature is correct for the given signed data (as bytes). Returns the actual message in Bytes.

>>> j = jce.Johnny("tests/files/public.asc")
>>> j.verify_and_extract_bytes(encrypted_bytes)
verify_bytes_detached(data: bytes, signature: bytes)

Verifies if the signature is correct for the given data (as bytes). Returns True or False.

>>> j = jce.Johnny("tests/files/public.asc")
>>> j.verify_bytes(encrypted_bytes, signature)
verify_file(filepath: bytes)

Verifies if the signature is correct for the given signed file (path as bytes). Returns True or False.

>>> j = jce.Johnny("tests/files/public.asc")
>>> j.verify_file(encrypted_bytes, signature)
verify_and_extract_file(filepath: bytes, output: bytes)

Verifies and extracts the message from the signed file, return True in case of a success.

verify_file_detached(filepath: bytes, signature: bytes)

Verifies if the signature is correct for the given signed file (path as bytes). Returns True or False.

>>> j = jce.Johnny("tests/files/public.asc")
>>> j.verify_file_detached(encrypted_bytes, signature)